Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day 133 to Day 137

Day 133 December 10 Wednesday
Went to the internet place here in town and updated my blog and sent a few emails and did a little financial stull. Decided to go north on the Great Alpine Highway to Mt. Hotham where there is a big ski resort. When I got there I did not think it was as nice a place as Mt. Buller. The base area did not have much room and the roads were very steep. I went for about a 3km return hike along a ridge and back along the side. Very nice views. On the way back down stopped at Victoria falls which is the site of an old dam for making electricity for a mine. Dam is mostly gone and you need a 4x4 to get to the falls. Drove back to Swift Creek and spent the night at the city run caravan park. The English couple that were there last night were still there.
Day 134 December 11 Thursday
Left Swift Creek and headed south to Bairnsdale, When I was a long way away remembered that I forget to give back the ammenities block key so I am out the ten buck deposit. Not about to go back. Got oil and filter for the van in Bairnsdale. Took C 601 north to Mitchell R. National Park. Went to the Den of Nargun. It is a cave with a waterfall. Nargun was an aboriginal monster half man and half rock. When you threw a spear at it the spear came back and if little kids came to the pool it would catch them and drag thm into the pool. Further on was a woman’s cave called Deadcock Cave. (Translation from aboribinal words?) Hike to the Mitchell river. Left there and drove further up C601 to a road that went to Angusvale. It was a good unsealed road that went 16 km to a very pretty campground. Even though it was early I decided to spend the night there. As I was reading a book just before dark, a cute little wombat came walking towards the van from across the field. It got to within 50 yards and then turned and walked away up the hill. Great although the picture was not good because of poor light.
Day 135 December 12 Friday
When I awoke, there was fog almost down to the van. A bunch of kangaroos were in the field. It cleared up after a few hours and I drove back out of the park and down C601 to A1. Headed west to Sale when I took A440. After a few km, I stopped at the Sale Wildlife Refuge and too a km walk through the small lakes. Saw some pelicans and other birds. I continued on and then too C485 all the way to Loch Sport where I had lunch by Lake Victoria. Drove back a ways and took the road south to Golden Beach. There were campsites all along the ocean so I stopped at C7 sites. Late in the afternoon a ranger came and she told me that a big wind and rain storm was coming overnight. It started raining shortly after she left.
Day 136 December 13 Saturday
No wind overnight as far as I know but some rain. Drove down the road to Seaspray. Then took C496 to A440. Heard on the news that Melbourne had the highest 24 hour rainfall in a year at 42 mm. I saw lots of water along the road. At Yarran took the road to Tarra-Bulga State Park which is a temperate rainforest. Stopped at Tarra waterfall and it was flowing well. When I got to the park hiked a 1.5 km loop trail to Cythea waterfall. The ferns and big trees are fun to walk through. Headed further into the park and walked the loop to the swinging bridge back to the car park. Saw two lyre birds which did not stick around long. Drove a dirt logging road back to town, the Bulga Park Road. At Welshpool, drove up into the hills to see Agnes waterfall. It was a dam across the top of a chasm and the water. At Foster headed south on the road to Wilson Promontory. Decided to spend the night at Panakie Caravan Park on the east side of the peninsula. It had started to rain and by evening it was raining and blowing.
Day 137 December 14 Sunday
Since it is suppose to be windy and rainy today decided no to go to Wilson Promontory until after I get back from Tassie. Drove into Yanakie and called Spirit of Tasmania about my email tickets. They said they would send them again. Really not needed since I have confirmation number and photo ID. Drove to Fish Creek and then south on C445. Took a side to Waratah Bay a cute community on the water. Then drove to Walkerville North and then South where there were some old lime kilns that provided lime to Melbourne in the early days. Then to Cape Liptrap lighthouse and the Cape Liptrap NP. Continued on to Venus Bay a real tourist trap type of place. Drove then C442 to Iverloch and followed the coast line to Cape Paterson. Very pretty coast line. Managed to get a pic of an echidna before it scampered off into the bush. Headed through Wonthaggi and went to Phillip Island. Spent the night at Amaz’n Things Holiday Park space 8.

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