Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 90 to Day 95

Day 90 October 28 Tuesday
Woke up to thunder and lightening storm. Right on the hill next to the camp area. No time between flash and sound. Very windy. Went into Albany , found the information center to get internet café sites, did some grocery shopping. Then headed out to Torndirrp NP which is a peninsula. Went to several beaches and lookouts and the wind was so strong I could hardly hold the camera steady. The wind was so strong the spout of the water up the blowholes was horizontal. Needless to say the van was being blown all over the road. Headed back to town and found the internet café. Email from Visa was putting a hold on my card until I called them. I thought I had taken care of that before I left. Called and got it straightened out. Buggers. Then found Kalgan Caravan park. Lots of kangaroos in their grass fields. Also as I was coming in the owners were taking a stray tame duck to the vet because it had been pecked on by a flock of wild ones and they thought it might be injured. Rained the rest of the evening.

Day 91 October 29 Wednesday
Rainy in the morning. The van next to me was people from Seattle I met somewhere along the line. Neither of us could remember were. They were heading back to Perth. Left the campground and found Chester Pass Road which headed north to Porongurup NP where the granite peaks are some of the oldest in Australia. Walked the Nancy Peat walk of 5.5 km to three peaks about 600-800 meters high. Misty rain off and on and very high wind and clouds at the ridge. No views. Pretty wild flowers. Started raining when I got back to the car. Drove north to Sterling Range NP with a hope of better weather. No luck. Ranger said more rain tomorrow. The peaks were coverd with clouds, raining and the dirt road through the park was muddy and slippery. Spent the night at Moingup campground in the park. Raining when I wet to sleep.
Day 92 October 30 Thursday
Stopped raining sometime in the night but the roads had not dried out yet so headed north to see “The Wave”. Drove through wheat, hay and sheep farms most of the way. No rain and little wind but overcast with low clouds. Instead of going to The Wave first went a little further down the road to The Humps and Mulka’s Cave. The Humps were granite hills with nice views of the surroundings. Mulka’s cave was at the base and was used by the aboriginal people. It had mostly hand paintings on the walls and ceilings. Stopped by The Hippo Yawn and then checked in at the campground at The Wave. A big bus load of tourists arrived at the Wave when I got there and decided to go back later for better pictures. Wrong. Started raining hard at about 4 pm.
Mulka's cave hand prints were different. Most of what I have seen are like on the left where the hand is put on the wall and ochre is splattered over it. The right hand print looks like it was put in a dark color ochre first.
Day 93 October 31 Friday Boooo!!
It rained most of the night, I think. The road south to Esperance had water over it in several places but not enough to cause me any trouble. I could see where the water had been higher. Glad I did not leave too early or I might have had to wait for the water to go down in a few places. Rain off and on all day. Spent the night in Esperace at Bather’s Caravan park. Space 9.
Day 94 November 1 Saturday
Went to Cape le Grand NP east of Esperance. Tried to climb Frenchman Peak but the granite was steep (35 deg) and wet from a morning thundershower. Got more than half way up and decided I did not feel like slipping down. Sign said do not climb if wet or windy. I know why. Went to three different beaches in the park. The water near the shore was turquoise in color. The sand was not rocks like Washington sand but make up of shells which is why it is so white. The sun came out off and on throughout the afternoon. All in all a good day. Wind was not too strong either. Went back to the same caravan park ad took the same spot.
Day 95 November 2 Sunday
Left Esperance and headed north on Hwy 1 to Norseman. Then took hwy 94 and 94 alt to Kimbalda. There were lots of mines along the way. Could not see anything since there were all in the ground and far from the road. In Norseman, stopped by the information center and found there was a place to go fossicking. It was 12 km north of town. Stopped there and found lots of pretty stuff by most of it was highly fractured. Lots of flies made it hard to concentrate. Stayed the night at Kimbalda Caravan park. Only a few flies here.

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